Treinamento para o Gmsh


Para acessar o Gmsh, vá até o terminal e digite o comando: "gmsh". 


Tutoriais Básicos (gráficos):


Tutorial 1 - Introduction to Gmsh

Tutorial 2 - Cavity

Tutorial 3 - Simple 2D geometry (old GUI)


Tutoriais Básicos (script):


 Gmsh Tutorial 1 

 Variables, elementary entities (points, lines, surfaces), physical entities (points, lines, surfaces);


Gmsh Tutorial 2

 Includes, geometrical transformations, extruded geometries, elementary entities (volumes), physical entities (volumes);


 Gmsh Tutorial 3

 Extruded meshes, parameters, options;


Gmsh Tutorial 4

Built-in functions, holes, strings, mesh color;


Gmsh tutorial 5

Characteristic lengths, arrays of variables, functions, loops;


Gmsh tutorial 6

Transfinite meshes;


Gmsh tutorial 7

Background mesh;


Tutoriais Avançados (script):


Gmsh Tutorial 8 

Post-processing, scripting, animations, options;


Gmsh Tutorial 9

Post-processing plugins (levelsets, sections, annotations);


Gmsh Tutorial 10

General mesh size fields;


Gmsh Tutorial 11

Unstructured quadrangular meshes;


Gmsh Tutorial 12

Cross-patch meshing with compounds;


Gmsh Tutorial 13

Remeshing STL with compounds;


Gmsh Tutorial 14

Homology and cohomology computation


Gmsh Tutorial 15

Embedded points, lines and surfaces;


Mais tutorias oficiais do GMSH (script):

Gmsh Tutoriais